Unlock the power of Machine Learning in Product Development!
Join our upcoming Data Meetup to discover how Machine Learning is applied across Product Development to solve customer, or potentially even global problems. In this event we will hear from industry leaders on how they make their products better by using ML and NLP.
You can continue the discussion after the talks over pizza?& beer ?!
Overview of speakers and topics:
Thomas Browne- Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Kiwi.com
AB tests – Why are they so popular?
In the golden age of tech industries, AB tests are currently widely used in order to improve customers’ experience and increase revenue. Thanks to a solid mathematical framework, they particularly enable companies to adopt new ML models with a high confidence that they will benefit from it.
Andrej Svec – ML Lead at Slido
NLP Models in production
Many ML algorithms stop at “It works on my machine!” and not care much about the production. We at Slido do right the opposite – production is our bread and butter. This talk presents our stories from the trenches collected during the development of production-ready NLP models.
3rd Speaker will be announced closer to the event
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