?Koncerty v ateliéroch, kabinete či na dvore bývalej školy. V ikonických priestoroch bratislavskej Novej Cvernovky sa od 20.4. do 22.4.2023 uskutoční už šiesty ročník hudobného festivalu a konferencie SHARPE. Okrem mladých hudobných talentov z celej Európy sme opäť pozvali aj mnohých hudobných odborníkov. SHARPE tak vytvára na Slovensku priestor na prezentáciu hudby nielen fanúšikom, ale aj odbornej verejnosti a promotérom z celého sveta.
?Concerts in the studios, the teachers‘ room, or in the courtyard of a former chemistry high school. In April, the sixth edition of the SHARPE music festival and conference will take place in the iconic premises of Nová Cvernovka. In addition to young musical talents from all over Europe, the organizers have once again invited numerous music experts.
✨LINE UP so far:
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+ more
The first confirmed speaker is a leading sound engineer ????? ?????? (Beastie Boys, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Oasis, Johnny Cash, Metallica, Pink Floyd, Public Enemy and many more).
??????? ???? who has worked with Damon Albarn on Africa Express, produced Amnesty International ‘Give A Home’ global concert series for refugees and created WarChild’s “Passport Back To The Bars” highly successful concert series for children affected by war. And a lot more.
More speakers: https://sharpe.sk/conference/speakers/
?Tickets SHARPE festival 2023
? Sharpe Festival 2023 PLAYLISTS
Spotify: https://lnk.sk/dmer
YouTube: https://lnk.sk/qh09
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