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Zaži čisté rieky Budmerice 2021

6. júna 2021 @ 14:0017:00

? Zaži čisté rieky Budmerice/ Clean Rivers Experience Budmerice ?

06.06.2021 (nedeľa) je Svetový deň životného prostredia ? a pri tejto príležitosti sme sa rozhodli poupratovať po sebe, v prírode a v okolí našich vodných tokov. ?

⏰ KDE A KEDY? ⏰Stretávame sa 6. júna 2021 o 14:00 v Budmericiach.
Zraz pri kaštieli.?

V Budmericiach organizuje akciu OZ SPOZNAJ S NAMI SVET

Aktivitu na Slovensku a v zahraničí organizuje human Health Institute n.o. – Inštitút pre ľudské zdravie v spolupráci s River Cleanup pod myšlienkou @zitvedomo.

⚠️Prinášame Vám celosvetovú udalosť, ktorej súčasťou môžete byť aj Vy!

⚠️S ďalšími 150 národmi budeme zbierať odpadky v našich mestách, regiónoch a v našom okolí počas 36 hodín, začínajúc v Novom Zélande a končiac na Havaji. ?

Pridaj sa k nám aj TY! 🙂 V neďelu 06.06.2021 v Budmericiach pri kaštieli. 🙂

Clean Rivers Experience Budmerice

05.06.2021 is World Environment Day and on this
occasion we decided to clean up after ourselves, in nature and around our watercourses

We bring you a worldwide event, of which you can also be a part! We will focus again on the banks of our rivers around the world, in one and the same day.

With another 150 nations, we will collect garbage in our cities, regions and surrounding areas in 36 hours, starting in New Zealand and ending in Hawaii.
#CleanRiversExperience and #rivercleanup together to protect our health and the environment worldwide.
Enjoy the experience during which we clean up our environment together, but also ourselves! Garbage collection is intended for everyone, young, old, family, children.
We are cleaning our planet together!! Join us !!!

We will add more information about the venue of the event gradually, follow this info as well as the discussion in the event.

Since there is still an enormous amount of garbage in the area, we have a lot to do to strive for the environment we desire in which we want to #LiveConsciously !

WHAT DO YOU NEED TO BRING? For hygienic reasons, we ask everyone to provide their own gloves and a solid bag for waste collection. Don’t forget to take a bottle of water. We also do this in order to minimize consumption, we prefer what everyone already has at home to bring with them.

WHERE AND WHEN? We meet on June 6, 2021 at 14:00 in Budmerice

WHO IS BEHIND THIS? The activity in Slovakia and abroad is organized by the Human Health Institute n.o. in cooperation with River Cleanup under the idea of @LiveConsciously @mestobudmericce co-organizer.
Together, we will move Slovakia towards environmental responsibility, zero-waste and a sustainable way of life, a conscious lifestyle.


6. júna 2021
14:00 – 17:00
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